In the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Glory and honor be to God who brought Jesus Christ as the ransom sacrifice for the whole world. Praise be to God!
Azania Front Congregation leadership would like to thank God for the blessings of life, salvation, peace, and protection in our daily life. Since the beginning of 2020, we have come across bad news about the Covid-19 pandemic that has led to major lifestyle changes inside and outside our country. May Jesus our Passover lamb, grant strength and hope to doctors, nurses and other health practitioners, who everywhere offer a witness of care and love for our neighbors, to the point of exhaustion and at the expense of their own health.
However, God has continued to care for us and fight for us in all our ways regardless of our weaknesses. For this reason, we are obliged to thank God for everything He does in our lives.
Fears, tears, tragedies, and various anxieties have been a part of our lives in our existense. However, despite the existence of the covid-19 pandemic, we still have hope and confidence in God who has good plans for the whole world. This includes plans to heal, strengthen our governments, forgive sins, comfort the bereaved, bring confidence amid in fear, as well as fill us with the hope which is found in Jesus Christ who died and rose again on the third day.
In this holy week, there are various things that we are to be reminded of as an important part of strengthening our social and religious conformity. There is a need to remind ourselves of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
Maundy Thursday
This day reminds us of the Last Supper of Jesus with His Disciples. But also, on a day like this, the Lord Jesus washed His disciples' feet as a sign to serve and love one another. Moreover, on this day Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus after receiving money from the of priests of his time.
Good Friday
On a day like this, Jesus Christ suffered much and was finally crucified outside the city at a place called Golgotha. The main reason Jesus was crucified was because of the sins that separated us from God. Therefore, Jesus had to die as a ransom for the remission of our sins.
Easter Sunday
Easter is a day on which Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For Christians, this event is a victory and a sign of great victory over sin and death.
For this reason, the Passover is unlike any other event but is an event that carries the true meaning of God to redeem the world from sin and death through His Son Jesus Christ. On this basis, it is our responsibility to continue preaching the good news regardless of the dangerous circumstances in which we find ourselves.
We are to continue to use the technology to reach thousands who have not yet heard the message of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. The effectiveness of this responsibility will come from being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
May God shower you with blessings, love, and peace during this Easter season.