Luke 8:19-21 NIV ( Luka 8:19-21)

SATURDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2017 MORNING                       

Luke 8:19-21  New International Version (NIV)

Jesus’ Mother and Brothers

19 Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. 20 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”

21 He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”


We are part of the Christian family. God is our Father and Jesus is our elder brother.  This also means that all Christians are our brothers and sisters. Let us love and respect one another. Let us do our best to live in harmony with all the family even if we are very different in many ways.  

JUMAMOSI TAREHE 16 SEPTEMBA  2017 ASUBUHI                  

LUKA 8 :19-21

19 Wakamwendea mama yake na ndugu zake, wasiweze kumkaribia kwa sababu ya mkutano. 
20 Akaletewa habari akiambiwa, Mama yako na ndugu zako wamesimama nje wakitaka kuonana nawe. 
21 Akawajibu akasema, Mama yangu na ndugu zangu ndio hao walisikiao neno la Mungu na kulifanya. 

Yesu anaonyesha kwamba anathamini Wakristo wote kama familia yake. Mungu ni Baba yetu na Kristo ni kaka yetu. Wakristo wote ni ndugu na dada zetu. Tupendane na tuheshimiane. Tujitahidi kuishi kwa amani hata kama tunatofauti nyingi kati yetu.